Refund and Fulfillment policy:

Tryouts Registration payment 

No refund requests will be taken AFTER tryouts dated are held. 

Refunds will be given if tryouts are canceled.

Refunds will be given if an email stating the reason for a requested refund is submitted to BEFORE listed tryout dates. Email must be sent and dated BEFORE the first day of listed tryout dates. No refunds will be given after tryouts. 


Season Dues subscriptions  

Refunds and or cancelations for subscriptions be will provided if the player is injured, moves away, dies, etc. or if the season is ended prematurely. Refund and or cancelation requests must be requested via email submitted to  


Tournament Dues purchase 

Refunds and or cancelations for tournament dues will be provided if the player is injured, moves away, dies, etc. or if the tournament is canceled.

Refunds may be given if an email stating an acceptable reason for a requested refund is submitted to BEFORE listed tournament dates. (example-the dates/times were changed AFTER your purchase and you were not informed) Email must be sent and dated BEFORE the day of listed tournament dates. No refunds will be given if the request occurs AFTER the listed tournament date. 


Basics Classes purchase 

Refunds for Basics Classes will be provided if the player is injured, moves away, dies, etc. or if the season is ended prematurely. Refunds must be requested via email submitted to please include your order # so we can help you immediately. 


Gear Store purchases 

Refunds or replacements for physical goods are given if the item is damaged, the wrong item was delivered or the item was never received by the consumer. Goods may not be returned/refunded/replaced if used (unless sold as a used item).  

Every season, gear (Gear Bundles and seasonal preordered clothing) will be sent home with the player (named during checkout), by the third week of practices, unless otherwise informed via email. Gear Bundles are not refundable once ordered.

If any gear is missing or damaged, please send us an email at that includes your order # so we can help you with your order immediately.